Lots of people feel that print has a strong story to tell! Here are links to some of the many articles being written about the effectiveness and/or environmental credentials of print.
Latest Additions to the Article Archive
City Magazines Fill the Newspaper Gap
As many cities across the country lose their primary newspapers, city magazines are meeting the demand for news focused on local issues.
Ikea Wants Pregnant Women to Pee on This Ad for a Discount — Wait, What?
In what some are considering one of the weirdest print-based promotions in history, Ikea is running an ad for baby furniture that doubles as a pregnancy test.
Why Marketers Can't Count Out Print in 2018
The Association of Magazine Media's data shows that print magazines have reach, drive results, are trusted, and are the preferred format when people of all ages want to understand a specific topic or be inspired by something.
Case Studies
Athletic Apparel Stores' postcards generate 10% response & over $277K in sales.
Architectural design firm generates 200-time ROI with $1,300 direct mail video campaign
Automotive repair shop generates 80 new customers and $28,000 in revenue from a two postcard mailing.
Auto repair shop's postcard campaign successfully reactivated their customer base
Bank's B-to-B direct mail campaign enticed 275 companies to switch banks.
Blood Bank's signage campaign helped increase blood donors by over 20%
BMW France's "No Surprises" vehicle maintenance direct mail boosts post-sales revenue
Clinique's multi-media campaign featuring a customizable calendar produced a 303% ROI.
Coca-Cola's unique packaging giveaway stunt reached 75% of Romanian teens
CollaborativeCARE Conference drove registration through customized direct mail.
Community Bank's postcard campaign generates 250 new accounts and $17 million in deposits.
CPA firm mailed one postcard to 10,000 homes to generate $60,000 in revenue
esmark finch's quarterly print magazine creates awareness and drives business.
Financial company's personalized enrollment guides streamline new client enrollment.
Foundation's 4-panel postcard motivates new and lapsed donors to give.
In Japan, Kit Kat's mailable candy product generates over $11 million.
Insurance company's customized magazines increased visits and requests for quotes.
Landscape Firm sees $76,500 return from 9,000 postcard mailing.
Lucky Supermarket's arena billboards and posters made Warrior fans hungry.
Lawn Care company generated a 240% ROI from mailing out 3 postcards.
Matalan, Major fashion retailer's print campaign produces 46% increase in online sales.
Marie Todd turns packaging into a keepsake, enhancing the appeal of its luxury brand.
Online grocer's magazine causes 52% of readers to add featured products to their shopping list
Oreo's unique translucent newspaper ad increased brand awareness by 96%
Pet Shelter's immersive print/outdoor experience drives website and video traffic.
Private school sees 1009% ROI from postcard campaign.
Seagate changed the way retailers market computer storage solutions to consumers.
Specialty adhesives supplier used print to increase revenue 10% and 25% in key markets.
Summer Camp's postcard campaign tripled enrollment in three months.
Time Magazine Europe converted 75% of landing page viewers into subscribers.
Using History to Open the Purse Strings
What3Words achieves 80% response rate to highly targeted direct mail campaign.
Wine maker achieves 70% growth rate through newspaper ads targeting Millennials.
Environmental Credentials of Print
65 North American Companies Remove "Go Paperless—Go Green" Claims
96% of Americans Have Access to Community Paper Recycling
America's Data Centers Consuming and Wasting Growing Amounts of Energy
Here's How Much Energy All US Data Centers Consume
How and why paper is more green than digital
Let's Get the Story Straight on the State of North American Forests and Deforestation
Many Americans agree that 'go paperless – save trees' is misleading and ineffective
New EPA Data Shows Mail Recycling Humming Along
Paper and Sustainable Forests: some great facts to note!
Paper ≠ Bad
Print and Paper Myths and Facts
Print's Carbon Footprint
Print Provides Green Options
Some Thought-Provoking Facts on Paper, Forest and Recycling
The Impact of Information Technology on Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions
Top Threats to Forests Do Not Include Over-Harvesting
Two Sides launches new global initiative to stop the use of misleading "go green – go paperless" environmental claims
Understanding Sustainable Forestry
Verizon Green Claims are Misleading and Unsubstantiated
Verizon removes anti-paper (e-billing) green claims from its website
Print in the Marketing Mix
5 Reasons Why Print Should Be a Part of Your Marketing Mix
10 Reasons Why You Should Advertise in Magazines
B-to-B Insights: The Trouble With Digital Marketing
Can Augmented Reality Add Value to Print?
Google Loves Print, This We Know, For Its Guidelines Tell Us So
Hot Off the Press: Why Print Still Matters
How Print Connects to Other Channels
Ink and Bytes: Using Print in Your Digital Marketing Strategy
Integrate Social Media With Print Advertising to Boost Your Marketing
Looking to combine print and digital, New York Times will embed reporters' tweets in their print edition
Magazines Create "Industry-Wide" Guarantee of Print Ads' Results
Mail and Email: We Need Both
Marketers backtrack to print for effective advertising
Print Bridges the Gap Between the Tangible and Digital Worlds
Print Fits Well in the Marketing Mix
Print is Dead. Long Live Print.
Print is Good. So What? Print is Intimidating. That Matters
Print is Novel in the Digital Era: 52nd Annual Print Design Survey
Print is the new "new media"
Print Trumps Digital in the Attention Economy
Realizing Real Value in Print Ads and Listings
Retailers Can't Shake the Circular Habit
Street Dreams Magazine Flips the Script, Bringing Instagram to Print
The Case for Print
The Key Roles of 12 Channels in the Customer Journey
Uber In-Car Print Publication Arriving Now
What are the Advantages of Print Advertising?
Why Print Should Be an Important Part of Your Online Marketing Strategy
Your Journey Starts Here
Direct Mail
13 Ways Direct Mail Works Best
$15 Million Funding for Start-Up Tying Direct Mail to Online Behavior
2015 DMA Response Rate Report: Direct Mail Outperforms All Digital Channels Combined By Nearly 600%
Catalogs, After Years of Decline, Are Revamped for Changing Times
Direct Mail Breaks Outdated Marketing Assumptions
Direct Mail Insights: Millennials Love Print—Who Knew?
Direct Mail: Is It Old Fashioned If It Still Works?
Direct Mail Isn't Dead: You Just Have to Make It Come to Life
Direct Mail's Moment Has Come Again
Direct mail outperforms all digital channels combined by nearly 600%.
Ford's Direct Mail Magazine Engages Drivers
How to Stand Out with Inventive Direct Mail Pieces
How USPS is Using Video to Create Modern Mailing Experiences
My experiment in combining direct mail with digital/social
Packing a Punch with Print: Catalogs and Direct Mail
Paper Coupons Are Cool Again
Personalize Your Mailings and Crank the Results
Programmatic Direct Mail Makes Its Debut
Remember Direct Mail? It's About to Become a Disruptive Marketing Tool
The Print Catalog Heard 'Round the (Social Media) World
USPS: Postcard Use Is Up Among Direct Marketers
Why Direct Mail Won't Die
What Can Variable Data Do for Your Direct Mail?
Why Online Retailers Like Bonobos, Boden, Athleta Mail So Many Catalogs.
Print's Popularity with Consumers
11 Simple Reasons The Print Book Doomsayers Are Wrong
2017 Coupon Use Crosses Demos/Generations
American College Students Say They Would Rather Study With Real Books, Not Laptops (recent research study)
Americans Still Spend as Much on Print Books as E-Books
Bauer Media Study Reveals Surprises for Print
Bulky, heavy, pricey—yet flourishing. Art catalogs keep print alive in the digital era
College Students Still Prefer Print Textbooks
In Age of Digital Records, Paper Still Carries Weight
New Study Shows Consumers Prefer Reading From Paper
Print Lets You Linger
Print Newspapers Are Dead? Not After Historic Elections
Sales of Books in Print are Rebounding
The Impact of Custom Packaging on Your E-Commerce Sales?
The Future of Photos
The Plot Twist: E-Book Sales Slip, and Print is Far From Dead
UC Davis campus newspaper will return to print; students backed fee
What do we need to know about millennials and print?
Why digital natives prefer reading in print
Why paper still rules the enterprise
Why teenagers are so resistant to e-readers
Would you believe it? Print remains a favourite with readers
Print's Popularity with Marketers
A Growing Number of E-Commerce Sites Are Moving Into Print
Fashion brands ramp up digital ad spending, without cutting back in print
InStyle Presents Print Edition As Luxury Product
J.C. Penney Joins Growing Roster of Retailers Who Choose Print
Kept alive by subscriber inertia, print magazines are going to be around for a while yet
Magazine Media See Double-Digit Audience Growth in First Quarter [2015]
Major Publishers Bet on Power of Print Ads with Money-Back Guarantee
Motor Trend's YouTube Series "Roadkill" Is Becoming a Print Magazine Aimed at Millennial Car Lovers
Online "Tablet" Magazine Launches Print Edition
People are returning to print because it achieves results
Print functions as a cherry on top of digital content
Print's Not Dead: Print Marketing Will Thrive in 2014 and Beyond
Still in vogue: luxury magazines defy print market gloom
The Curious (and Vital) Power of Print
The Importance of Newspapers in an Election
The Magic of Print
There's a Lot to Love About Print, Ask Any Digital Media Pro
Why Designers Choose Print Reason #2: Print Stands Out
Why Designers Choose Print Reason #3: Print Communicates
Why Designers Choose Print Reason #6: Print Has Impact
Why Designers Choose Print Reason #8: Print is Tactile plus ad from GDUSA here
Why Designers Choose Print Reason #11: Print Gets Noticed
Why Designers Choose Print Reason #15: Print Is Unique
Why Publishers Choose Print Reason #4: Print is Alive & Well
Why Tech Site CNET Launched a High-Quality Print Quarterly
Why the Print Catalog is Back in Style
Print & the Brain
E-Books Are Damaging Your Health: Why We Should All Start Reading Paper Books Again
Nationwide Survey Finds that Paper Remains Essential to Learning
New research shows consumers absorb and understand more when reading in print
Print and Paper Play a Key Role in Learning and Literacy (Fact Sheet)
Readers Absorb Less on Kindles than on Paper
Scientific American: Why the Brain Prefers Paper
Serious reading takes a hit from online scanning and skimming, researchers say
Use Neuromarketing in Your Direct Mail
USPS' Neuromarketing Study Highlights Differences Between How Consumers Process Print And Digital Media
We read digital text differently than print
What Your Digital Campaign Is Missing, According to Neuroscience: Triggering an emotional response
Why the Smart Reading Device of the Future May Be...Paper
Incorporating New Technologies into Print
Brazilian Neutrogena Ad Lets You Wipe the Lipstick Right Off This Actress' Face
Forget Playing With Toys: Kids Can Play With the Catalog
Introducing the Drinkable Book
New Tribune investor wants to revive print newspapers with "machine vision"
Print your own diagnostic test with Cambridge inkjet technology
Restalk uses waste from cannabis cultivation to make new paper packaging material
The Latest Paper Trend: Re-Printable Paper?
You can only read this outside
The Printing Industry and/or Printing Business
Fairfax, News Corp, APN and Seven join forces to push print [in Australia]
GenXers Are Taking Over Print: Now What?
Global Print Market Growing 8% from 2011 to 2017
How Big is the Print Industry? Big. Really, Really BIG!
Print Will Not Die Because the Rules Will Change. Here's How.
The Next Industrial Revolution: Functional Printing
Using 3D Printing to Drive Digital Print Marketing
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